The Menopause Relief Jumpstart Program!

Menopause is inevitable, suffering through it is not!!

Giving Menopausal women, just like you, a tailored roadmap so you can lose the Menopause middle and feel like yourself again.

Are you a menopausal woman struggling with…

  • weight gain, particularly around your belly?

  • getting dressed in the morning and even your beloved yoga pants are now not as comfortable

  • feeling sluggish, puffy, and stuck with a closet full of clothes that can no longer hide your growing muffin top

And you’re frustrated (and confused!) because what you’ve always done is no longer working! Can you relate?

Instead you want to…

  • stop the weight gain of the menopause middle and lose that muffin top! 

  • gain a steady metabolism and the ability to maintain a healthy weight.

  • take control of your menopausal symptoms so you have vibrant health and well-being for the rest of your life!

The Truth

You want to be able to easily keep up with your grandkids.

You want to post pics on social media of you looking amazing during your latest travels.

You want to feel comfortable in the body (and the clothes) you have now.

So if you’ve been eating less AND exercising more AND your body is still holding onto the extra weight?  

It’s not your fault!

Fat around your organs (different from regular fat) is around 8% but in the menopausal shift, this fat around your organs increases to 23%! 

This causes us to have the extra spare tire around our mid-section aka: the menopause middle. 

Women gain an average of 1 pound a year after the age of 40 due to drop in estrogen and hormonal shifts. We naturally lose muscle which slows our metabolism. 

This is a recipe for weight gain in midlife.

So you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault!

You're also not crazy!

This is not just in your head!

Or anything else you may have been told!

These are facts! 

BUT, it does NOT have to stay that way!

Introducing The Menopause Relief Jumpstart!

The Menopause Relief Jumpstart (MRJ) is designed specifically for perimenopausal  and postmenopausal women who are feeling frustrated by the Menopause middle and who desperately want to trim their middle, boost their energy, and gain more mental and physical energy.

When You Enroll in The Menopause Relief Jumpstart, you’ll receive:

  • 3 Private 45 Minute Coaching Sessions (that’s 135 minutes of 1:1 coaching): where we’ll dive deeper into your specific menopause challenges and create your personalized Menopause Relief Roadmap

  1. (Value: $400.00 BUT Included With Enrollment)

    • Email support available between sessions

    • Additional resources, guides, etc.

      • 7-day meal plan to kickstart your metabolism 

    • Weekly meal planner to you can plan your shopping easily

Together, we’ll create a simplified plan to help you easily jumpstart the RIGHT kind of nutrition and movement you need that is specific to YOUR hormonal needs during Menopause.

Plus, you’ll receive these exclusive bonuses... 

Bonus #1: 5 Menopause Myths You’ve Been Told That Have You Feeling Confused, Dismissed, and Crazy! 

As a Menopause Coaching Specialist who's been in women’s health and worked with Menopausal women for 20+ years, I can explain what’s REALLY going on during Menopause and what will actually help support your hormones and your health during this unique time.
(Value: $97, BUT Included With Enrollment)

Bonus #2: How to Read a Food Label Made Simple!

This skill is especially useful for maintaining a balanced diet, managing your health conditions and supporting overall wellness. By becoming more aware of what you’re eating, you can make choices that align with your well-being and long term health goals!

The total value of everything included inside of The Menopause Jumpstart is $995.00 but because this is a new program and I’m going to create it with you as we go based on your specific needs and feedback, I’m offering it at a 1 time only special price of just $247!

This Program is Perfect For YOU

Whether you've been eating healthy on a regular basis but the weight keeps piling on 


You've been able to eat what you want in the past without consequence…until NOW


Whether you've been hitting the gym or enjoy a daily walk 


you haven't lifted a weight since you were 20…

Wherever you're at, YOU are in the right place, and The Menopause Relief Jumpstart is perfect for YOU!

So if you’re ready to lose the Menopause middle and feel great in your clothes again, grab your spot NOW! I’ve only got 6 spots open!

Hi I’m Angela!

A Certified Menopause Specialist and Health & Wellness Coach.

My mission is to redefine menopause as a time of growth, empowerment, and wellness.

 I’m passionate about helping women overcome the challenges of menopause by empowering you to regain control of your body, restore your energy, and navigate this phase of life with confidence and ease. I was once in your shoes. My own experience moving into perimenopause in my early forties totally caught me off guard. I totally get the fatigue, overwhelm, and lack of support you feel when your hormones start to shift. 

I was a busy mother balancing work, life, family and all the obligations I had. I was ignoring the creeping anxiety, heart palpitations, achy joints, gut changes, low libido and several other symptoms I have since connected to my hormone shift. It was such a confusing time. I felt that my body was failing me in some way and feeling poorly on a daily basis was not an option. 

I took a deep dive and got curious… taking a journey of self-exploration into yoga, breathing, therapy, life coaching, and eventually menopause coaching. I’ve learned so much about myself in the last 10 years through self-awareness, self-love, and an appreciation for my body. Movement had always been part of my life but what I was doing was no longer working. My body was not responding the same way to the exercise I had been accustomed to. Nutritionally I thought I was a somewhat healthy eater yet the menopause weight gain was a real thing! My personal journey I had always been somewhat  I now understand how these two things work more effectively in this stage of life. I am thankful to build a business based off of a history of feeling lost in my own journey and eventually finding my way to feeling my strongest and healthiest self. I know I can help you do the same.   

Are You Ready? Jumpstart Your Menopause Relief Today!